Sunday, January 6, 2013

The future so bright, I gotta wear shades.

Today was a travel day and we arrived in L.A. with blue skies, and fortunately I was already wearing my shades. By the time we arrived at our hotel in Westlake Village, CA, the Oregon clouds were here to greet us and make us feel right at home. Westlake Village is a really nice area and we have a comfortable hotel room, which is a good thing because I will be spending a lot of time in our hotel room. This afternoon I tested out the bed for a nice long 3 hour nap, and I think it will do nicely.

Tomorrow morning I meet Dr. Shahinian face-to-face to discuss the surgery and any last minute pre op testing that may need to be done. From there I go to the hospital for more blood work and to meet with the anesthesiologist. I hope it all goes well, so I can have the next two days to rest up for the surgery on Thursday. I doubt I will be going to Disneyland on this trip. Due to my symptoms and medications, I feel like I am already on the Teacup and the Matterhorn rides!

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