Wednesday, January 9, 2013

"Surfin Safari" to "Don't Worry Baby" - Beach Boy Days

This post is covering yesterday's and today's events as Dr. Rod says Becki must rest and get ready for the big day on Thursday. After this post, Becki's uncle's wife, Nancy, will be taking over the blog for the next week.

Tuesday we enjoyed a leisure day and a break from medical appointments. After a nice leisurely morning, we decided to have a Surfin Safari and drove to Malibu beach. We had a nice long romantic walk along the beach, admiring the gorgeous houses of the rich and famous. Rod was checking out the houses while Becki was watching all the various seabirds. We were even able to get up close and personal with some of our feathered friends. Afterwards, we had a delicious meal at Moonshadows (once an old surfers's hang out, now a chic romantic restaurant). From the outside deck of the restaurant we enjoyed the panoramic ocean view, birds and even porpoises swimming by. The afternoon was filled with great conversations, sharing future dreams, positive thoughts and laughter as we enjoyed each other's company. Definitely a top ten day in life.

Later that evening, we had a hot not that kind of hot night. Our hotel room's thermostat went bizzerk, making things hotter than we could handle. By 9 pm, with the room at 80 degrees and the heating/cooling system still blowing hot air, we convinced the desk clerk that we had to be relocated to another room. They had only one room left and it was not their finest, but at least the temperature was conducive for sleeping. Also the temporary room had no G3 and very low wifi, hence no blog update yesterday. We are now in a much nicer room with a working thermostat and just chilling today (literally).

Tomorrow's surgery has been move up to 7am, with a 5 am check-in at the hospital. That is really early for Rod. Becki will have to convince him that he is getting up early tomorrow to ski Mt. Bachelor, as they are expecting 6" of fresh powder tomorrow. That should get him out of bed in a hurry! Too bad we are heading for the hospital and not Mt. Bachelor. Oh well, all in good time!

Some have asked if Becki is scared or worried about the surgery. She is doing quite well despite the serious nature of her surgery. Her faith in God has been steady and she has believed He has walked by her side from the very beginning and will continue to be holding her close at this time. We appreciate all the well wishes, prayers and positive thoughts. Please continue to pray or think good thoughts, or even eat a piece of chocolate during Becki's surgery time of 7-9 a.m. Thursday.

"I can do all things through Christ, which strengthens me." - Philippians 4:13


  1. Thanks for the post Becki & Rod. You've really got some great weather going on there...not sure Rod will be convinced about 6" of powder but it's worth a try. Sending our love! Pam & Bill

  2. I'm glad you had such a good day yesterday, despite the crazy temps in the hotel room.

    I'm always looking for an excuse to eat chocolate, I mean to support Becki, so I will start with a mocha in the morning and eat chocolate throughout the day. After all, Becki will need some support during recovery as well :)

    Now get the darn bubble out of Becki's head and get her into the bubble-free phase of her life. I'll be sending positive thoughts to both of you all day on Thursday!

  3. Looking forward to hearing about the successful surgery-and OF COURSE I'll enjoy a piece of chocolate in your honor!! Praying for you and sending you healing thoughts ;-)
    Big hugs,

    Liz Strauch
