Friday, January 11, 2013

Pictures worth 3,000 words

Day two report from the Celebrity surgical spa....

After an understandably uncomfortable night, Becki reports that she had a pretty good day and the headache pain is down to a 7 out of 10. Remarkable, I'd say, to any other of us other mortals ---

She had some breakfast, sat up in a chair, walked with the Physical therapist down the hall , around the corner and back to her room and even put on street clothes!

Becky's eyes still need to stay closed for awhile due to expected light sensitivity and double vision which will improve with time. So it's either the ice mask or celebrity sunglasses for now .

Rod is with her every step of the way, and talked to her doctor who said that recovery is not a straight line -- and she can expect to have a little tougher day tomorrow. He is pleased with her progress and says she is on schedule to be released tomorrow to go back to the Residence Inn and sit around eating chocolates.

Becki says she is listening to a "fluff novel" on audio books called "Major Pettigrew's Last Stand."

MOST IMPORTANTLY -- she is delighted to hear from you via the blog -- so keep those comments coming!!!!!

Over and out for today, Nancy


  1. The progression of your pictures today is unbelieveable! You look fantastic, so happy and relieved. Keep up the good work and, most importantly, your sense of humor. I anxiously waited for posts yesterday and ended with tears of joy on the last one. You're in my thoughts every moment. Many hugs to you and Rod!

  2. Your bandaged head/crooked sunglasses reminds me of "The Invisible Man." You can't see us but we can see you. I'm sure Monkey Babe is wishing you well. I know I am.

    Bill (Adam)

  3. Wow. Looking great! What a day.

    Bob and Kim

  4. So SO good to see you smiling and out of bed!!

    But, I want to know how you rate to get normal clothes on Day 2!?? I had that silly gown for way too long!! You're a lucky girl!

    Wishing you a quick recovery. ;-)

    Big hugs,
    Liz Strauch

  5. Out of the hospital gown and into street clothes on day 2, that's impressive! You're looking good :)

    Scott says it is "excellent" that you're up and about.

    I'm supporting the "help Becki get well" campaign by eating chocolate with almonds and sea salt. I think you'll approve.

    When you finish your current audio book, I recommend "gone girl" by Gillian Flynn. I listened to it when I drove to Reno this summer and the time flew by.

    Keep those thumbs up and peace sign pics coming. It is great to see you up and about.

  6. You're amazing all of us Becki! But keep it up!
    ps., I also read "Gone Girl", it kept me guessing to the end and I liked it.
    Hey, we got 16 signed up for WP on Sunday! We'll ski a run for you!! ....and miss you!

  7. You are so brave! And you have such a positive attitude - it's inspirational.

    I'm sorry to hear about the pain; I can only imagine. Hopefully that will reduce over time.

    I don't have any good suggestions for fluff novels. I personally am thinking of trying one of those trashy beach novels with lots of sex. In the book I mean. :-)

    You look great. Our prayers are with you.

  8. Wonderful update! Every step is a step in the right direction. I think you found the MVP of your doctor team.

    You only need a Supergirl cape to wear with your glasses. You are amazing!


  9. Becki...can you possibly be more amazing!

    I am finding your blog to be a huge relief as well as uplifting and fun :)

    Thanks Becki!

  10. Becki, you look absolutely radiant in the picture above flashing the double peace sign. Sending positive thoughts and best wishes for a speedy recovery. Clarice (aka: Chloe)
