Thursday, January 31, 2013

Good Bye to the Overstuffed Chair

Hurray, Becki has completed three weeks of recovery! This is important because for the first three weeks she has had to deal with various restrictions, including always sleeping upright in an overstuffed chair to minimize brain swelling. Starting Friday she began sleeping in a bed. She had been looking forward to that day for some time! She also had her 3 week review with the Skull Base Institute and had her 5 pound restriction upped to 10 pounds. With her lifting restrictions she has not been able to pick up her cats, and it still might be a couple more weeks until she can pick up Simon, not that he has a weight issue!

Becki's energy and strength continues to increase. On Wednesday she was able to shower and dress herself for the first time. She is also able to tolerate longer walks, in fact she is up to 2 miles on sidewalks daily with small inclines. However, she still continues to enjoy her regular cat and bunny slipper naps. Overall, her recovery is progressing well.

Becki's tumor was located in a very sensitive area of the brain. Her recovery's biggest challenges are the stabilization of her various senses that were impacted by the tumor and the effects of the surgery. She continues to experience significant sensitivity to light, with double vision and blurriness that fluctuates in intensity. She has hyper-sensitivity to smell, taste and to sound. She needs to wear ear plugs to tolerate basic household sounds. She also experiences some difficulties with swallowing which requires that she focus on swallowing when eating. We anticipate that these symptoms will eventually improve during her recovery. Due to Becki's heightened senses, she is not able to go out into the public yet. She does miss her friends and is able to talk briefly by phone. Becki's recovery is coming along but she has a ways to go for a full recovery. She enjoys the encouraging words by her friends during her recovery and looks forward to eventually seeing them in person.

Friday, January 25, 2013

Recovery - Week Two

The intense migraine headaches Becki had every day for over four months prior to surgery are gone, as is the severe nerve pain she was experiencing in her left arm. And, the head pain from the surgery is greatly improved. However, as previously noted, recovery from brain surgery does not involve steady forward progress. Becki has had good days and days that have not been as good. It is like a dance of two steps forward and one step back. The good news is that over time Becki is making forward progress.

Highlights this week include Becki getting outside for brief walks and having a very slight improvement in her sensitivity to light, but she does continue to require shades. She also continues to experience double vision and blurriness, but her doctor advised her this week that her eyes were tracking together so she does not need an eye patch - so no dressing like a pirate ... Arrrrr! Becki's doctor said that only time will tell what improvements she will have with her vision deficits and that the maximum improvement could take quite some time. The important thing to watch for with nerve damage is that Becki continue to show gradual improvement. Becki remains positive that she will eventually have an excellent recovery. In the meantime she continues taking lots of cat naps and Rod continues to provide excellent care.

Thank you again for everyone's support and encouragement. It means so much to Becki. Please note that she continues to be unable to respond to emails because of her vision deficits.

Monday, January 21, 2013

Cat naps

During Becki's recovery she has been taking a lot of naps. It was recommended that she take several naps a day to help with her recovery. Becki is following doctor's orders. In fact, we've noticed she has taken a couple cat naps at one time or was it a couple of cats with naps at one time?

For those of you who haven't met Becki and Rod's cats, Zoenobia is sitting in front and Simon is laying down in the back.

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Home Sweet Home

We are now home and getting settled into our new routine. Becki's new routine is focused on getting healthier and stronger one day at a time. Rod's new routine is taking care of Becki's every need.  We are slowly getting acclimated back to Oregon's weather after having had endless days of sunshine in California.
The surgery was a success and it was great to say goodbye to the bubble. Since the surgery, Becki's eyes have been dilated and she has sensitivity to light. As her future remains bright, she continues to wear shades. Becki also experiences some double vision and blurriness but all her eye symptoms are expected to gradually improve with time. In the mean time, Becki has great difficulty reading emails or responding to them.

The surgeon told us that having brain surgery is a bit like being hit by a Mack truck. Becki's body is busy trying to heal from that event. She is recovering as expected at this time. We are very optimistic for an excellent recovery, but it will take some time. Becki may not be on the ski slopes this year, but she is already thinking ahead to next ski season.

Thank you to everyone who offered encouragement and support to us while we were in California. It felt like you were along with us on our journey.  We would especially like to thank Uncle Chuck and Nancy for all they did for us during our time in California.  

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Up, up and away

We are sending Becki and Rod back from LA to Eugene-- here's a shot of Becki at their boarding gate VIP Lounge at LAX. Takeoff 1:00 pm.

I see Becki is holding up six fingers which could mean two things that I can think of --- either she's excited because it's only six more hours til her next dose of pain meds or six hours 'til she gets home.

Whether she needed it or not, their plan was for Becki to wear the ice mask on her head the whole way so they would be catered to- and if that didn't work they would say "brain surgery" loudly in conversation.

We are so blessed, Chuck and I, to have been part of this successful story -- and I will be turning in my chief blogger badge now for a seat in the audience with you ;)

Xox and love to all and thanks for ur great comments and support of Becki and Rod.


Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Cleared for Take-off!

Doctor gave Becki the thumbs up. The pathology report was all clear -- it was benign. This is fabulous, fabulous news-- and Becki and Rod will be headed to LAX airport together in a limo at 9:30 am tomorrow-- Wednesday.

Will add more "color" after dinner -- but this is short, sweet and the news we were all waiting for !

Xox, Nancy

Monday, January 14, 2013

Dancing with the star!

Becki reports a much better day today,

1. Got in several cat naps as advised by Dr. Caryn ..

2. Nibbled on chocolate to help with her recovery.

3. Completed a few short walks down the hallway with a walker.

4. Now this is Kleenex material- Becki did a few dance steps with Rod as part of her physical therapy, which was the highlight of her day.

Becki will be seeing her surgeon tomorrow to hopefully get cleared to fly home on Wednesday.

We will keep you posted... She LOVED UR Comments ! Keep 'em coming!

Until tomorrow , nancy

Sunday, January 13, 2013

3 does not equal 10

Becki reports that as expected, recovery is not a straight line, and day three was not a top ten day. According to the doctor, at day three the brain is having its worst day of swelling with blood rushing to the brain to work on healing.

She has been resting all day today and sitting up to help reduce the swelling--and the pain meds are doing their job. The Doctor is monitoring her condition and is in touch with Rod for ANY concerns or questions about what is normal.

Good news-- this part of the process is par for the course-- and if anyone is going to master the course, it's Becki -- a role model for us all !

And Bravo to Rod for Oscar winning caregiving!

We are ALL optimistic that tomorrow will be a better day.

Words of encouragement from her friends and family to the blog comment area make her feel really good. !!!!

Tune in tomorrow for more news from the Bubble Busting front.... Nancy

Saturday, January 12, 2013


Becky is safe and sound in the Residence Inn, exhausted and sound asleep.

LIz, Becki's Mom, just called me and said that when she saw the singing In the rain blog she knew Becki's Dad, Erle, must be finding a way to connect spiritually with his beautiful daughter. Why ? Because when Erle was in the navy , he was in the same troop as Gene Kelly who starred in the Singing In The Rain movie!! Very cool. I totally believe that is true. No such thing as coincidence.

Liz also says it's 28 degrees in Oregon! Yikes-- we think 45 is sub-zero here in LA. Maybe Becki and Rod will just send for their things ;)

Chuck and I will drive over tomorrow to visit Becki and Rod ---Sunday --and bring a treat or two.

Please make blog suggestions of what you would bring her if you were here !!

Xox.. Until tomorrow ;) nancy

Singing in the rain (shower)

It is Departure Day for Becki from the Surgical hospital! Doctor has given her the thumbs up.

It's 1:00 in California and Becki is scheduled for release in one hour to head back with Rod to their hotel.

Rod's report this morning was very encouraging -- Becki is taking pain meds for the headaches and she is experiencing much less pain than she has had in a very long time . APPLAUSE SIGN.

And she's singing in the shower -- just being able to take a shower has been the highlight of her day so far....

Rod has promised to stage another photo op when they are safely settled back at the Residence Inn -- so there will be another update later in the day!

Over and out for now. Nancy

Friday, January 11, 2013

Pictures worth 3,000 words

Day two report from the Celebrity surgical spa....

After an understandably uncomfortable night, Becki reports that she had a pretty good day and the headache pain is down to a 7 out of 10. Remarkable, I'd say, to any other of us other mortals ---

She had some breakfast, sat up in a chair, walked with the Physical therapist down the hall , around the corner and back to her room and even put on street clothes!

Becky's eyes still need to stay closed for awhile due to expected light sensitivity and double vision which will improve with time. So it's either the ice mask or celebrity sunglasses for now .

Rod is with her every step of the way, and talked to her doctor who said that recovery is not a straight line -- and she can expect to have a little tougher day tomorrow. He is pleased with her progress and says she is on schedule to be released tomorrow to go back to the Residence Inn and sit around eating chocolates.

Becki says she is listening to a "fluff novel" on audio books called "Major Pettigrew's Last Stand."

MOST IMPORTANTLY -- she is delighted to hear from you via the blog -- so keep those comments coming!!!!!

Over and out for today, Nancy

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Becki Photo Op -- around 1:00pm California time

Hello! Still Nancy here blogging for Becki. Wow what an amazing woman our Becki is! Brain surgery in the morning and entertaining visitors after lunch. This picture shows Becki in her hospital room. Important things to look for...

1. Becki giving thumbs up to everyone
2. Ice mask over eyes to help with headache
3. Oxygen mask (required)
4. Fancy pre-warmed blankets

During my 20 minute visit, Becki was talking up a storm, wanting to know all of the details of her surgery and exactly what the pictures of "the bubble" looked like. Much to her chagrin, she cannot open her eyes for a while until the ice mask is off and Dr. says it is OK to open them. None-the-less, she was delighted to hear that the "after" bubble photo showed a completely clean slate --- and to what my non-technical eye looks like a delightfully healthy brain.

Becki still has quite a headache, but is delighted to report that overall from before surgery to now the pain seems to be diminished.

She is in wonderful spirits, Rod is SOOOOOO delighted.. And will betcha he sleeps better tonight than he has in a longtime.

Major thumbs up -- a successful day for a strong woman and a strong and devoted husband, Rod.


Transfer in progress

Becki is now being moved out of post-op room into a hospital room. She can have one person at a time visit her quietly, and even though Chuck and I did not expect to see her today, she has requested a visit and a photo-op for her blog -- so she can give you all a thumbs up herself.

On my way now to her room.

Good News

Surgery went well .. There were no complications!

Becki is in a post-op room with nurses and Rod.

She has a bad headache which she describes as a 9 out of 10, and feeling sick to her stomach -- both of which were expected. She is being given meds that address both of these issues, and the goal right now is to keep her awake so they can monitor all aspects of brain functioning. This is the normal procedure.

Rod showed us before and after four-color pictures of the cyst --- it sure looked nasty in the before picture -- but it is totally all gone in the after picture. I will not include those in the blog unless Becki approves.

So great, great news... Becki is awake, talking, and we will post hourly updates.

Bless you all!

Rod is being briefed now 10:35am

Hi everyone --- I know you are tapping your toes and waiting for news. The doctor has called Rod back into the surgery area for a report and undoubtedly to see Becki. I'm not sure how long he will be back there -- but I know he will want to be getting a very detailed report and will want to sit with Becki as long as they will let him. So hang in there --- be back soon...


All's Quiet on The Western Front

Nancy updating here from the waiting room next to the dapper Rod Robinson, who I believe could at the correct camera angle be mistaken for the news comedian Jon Stewart.

Last word from the operating room is that all is going well and on schedule!

More soon.

Thumbs Up,


Becki In Progess

Hi all Becki Family and Friends! Nancy here blogging for Becki....

It is 8:15 am California time... And Becki's surgery has been underway now since 7:30. Everyone is very positive. We will be able to report in about an hour when Rod is called from the operating room about how things are going.

Chuck, her uncle, me, Chuck's wife, and Rod her amazing hub are sitting in the surgical center waiting room that looks like the lobby of a fancy spa resort.

Speaking of fancy, the facility picked up Becki and Rod this morning at 5am in a BIG BLACK LIMOSINE at 5:05 am. The security guard greeting them at the faculty entrance and escorted them to the waiting room.

Rod just showed me Becki's lucky charm that has a saying that has been bringing her comfort from Winnie the Pooh .. Something Christopher Robin told Winnie ...

"Always remember you are BRAVER than you believe, STRONGER than you seem, and SMARTER than you think."

Becki passed this to Rod when she went into the operating room at 6:24.....

So prayers all around and I will be back up as soon as we get the next word.

Thumbs up!


Wednesday, January 9, 2013

"Surfin Safari" to "Don't Worry Baby" - Beach Boy Days

This post is covering yesterday's and today's events as Dr. Rod says Becki must rest and get ready for the big day on Thursday. After this post, Becki's uncle's wife, Nancy, will be taking over the blog for the next week.

Tuesday we enjoyed a leisure day and a break from medical appointments. After a nice leisurely morning, we decided to have a Surfin Safari and drove to Malibu beach. We had a nice long romantic walk along the beach, admiring the gorgeous houses of the rich and famous. Rod was checking out the houses while Becki was watching all the various seabirds. We were even able to get up close and personal with some of our feathered friends. Afterwards, we had a delicious meal at Moonshadows (once an old surfers's hang out, now a chic romantic restaurant). From the outside deck of the restaurant we enjoyed the panoramic ocean view, birds and even porpoises swimming by. The afternoon was filled with great conversations, sharing future dreams, positive thoughts and laughter as we enjoyed each other's company. Definitely a top ten day in life.

Later that evening, we had a hot not that kind of hot night. Our hotel room's thermostat went bizzerk, making things hotter than we could handle. By 9 pm, with the room at 80 degrees and the heating/cooling system still blowing hot air, we convinced the desk clerk that we had to be relocated to another room. They had only one room left and it was not their finest, but at least the temperature was conducive for sleeping. Also the temporary room had no G3 and very low wifi, hence no blog update yesterday. We are now in a much nicer room with a working thermostat and just chilling today (literally).

Tomorrow's surgery has been move up to 7am, with a 5 am check-in at the hospital. That is really early for Rod. Becki will have to convince him that he is getting up early tomorrow to ski Mt. Bachelor, as they are expecting 6" of fresh powder tomorrow. That should get him out of bed in a hurry! Too bad we are heading for the hospital and not Mt. Bachelor. Oh well, all in good time!

Some have asked if Becki is scared or worried about the surgery. She is doing quite well despite the serious nature of her surgery. Her faith in God has been steady and she has believed He has walked by her side from the very beginning and will continue to be holding her close at this time. We appreciate all the well wishes, prayers and positive thoughts. Please continue to pray or think good thoughts, or even eat a piece of chocolate during Becki's surgery time of 7-9 a.m. Thursday.

"I can do all things through Christ, which strengthens me." - Philippians 4:13

Monday, January 7, 2013

In and Out of Beverly Hills

At 6:45a.m. we were whisked away in a black limo to Beverly Hills to meet with Dr. Shahinian at the Scull Base Institute. I guess if you are going to have brain surgery, it is best to do it with style. (Compliments of Dr. Shahinian)

Thank goodness for our driver as we entered Beverly Hills during rush hour but still arrived for our appointment on time. The driver must have received driving lessons from Mario Andretti, as we could not have maneuvered around in traffic at his skill level, nor would we want to. Becki came down with some post surgery nausea pre surgery... burp* Fortunately, this will be our only drive to Beverly Hills during this trip.

We met in person with Dr. Shahinian for the first time. We were impressed with his professionalism and his confidence in performing this complex surgical procedure.

We spent the early afternoon looking for our hospital for pre-admit testing and paperwork. We initially drove to Los Robles Hospital in Thousand Oaks thinking that was where the surgery would be performed, but it turns out the surgery will be performed at the Thousand Oaks Surgical Hospital, a smaller but very nice hospital. After locating the correct hospital and completing all the pre-admit formalities, Becki returned home for a refreshing nap.

Sunday, January 6, 2013

The future so bright, I gotta wear shades.

Today was a travel day and we arrived in L.A. with blue skies, and fortunately I was already wearing my shades. By the time we arrived at our hotel in Westlake Village, CA, the Oregon clouds were here to greet us and make us feel right at home. Westlake Village is a really nice area and we have a comfortable hotel room, which is a good thing because I will be spending a lot of time in our hotel room. This afternoon I tested out the bed for a nice long 3 hour nap, and I think it will do nicely.

Tomorrow morning I meet Dr. Shahinian face-to-face to discuss the surgery and any last minute pre op testing that may need to be done. From there I go to the hospital for more blood work and to meet with the anesthesiologist. I hope it all goes well, so I can have the next two days to rest up for the surgery on Thursday. I doubt I will be going to Disneyland on this trip. Due to my symptoms and medications, I feel like I am already on the Teacup and the Matterhorn rides!