Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Next stop Bakery and Recovery

As of two weeks ago, I am now doing all of the cooking.  Recently I made yummy Eggplant Parmesan and my first pie post surgery.  Personally, I think making a pie each week would be good therapy, but probably not good for my waistline.

New milestone, since I am not driving, I explored taking the LTD city bus about 2 miles to a local bakery in my neighborhood by myself.  It was a challenge to see my bus stop, but I got close enough and walked the rest of the distance.  Of course I had to reward myself for completing this task with a delicious gluten free orange cranberry muffin!  I am not able to use the bus to go across town yet.  I just tried it out in a familiar location near my home.  It felt good to get out and explore a little on my own.

I had my first post surgery MRI last Tuesday. The MRI is to check that all is healing properly.  I will learn the results during my consultation with Dr. Shahinian, my brain surgeon, on Thursday.  We are optimistic that all is healing well for this stage of recovery.  I will need to have yearly brain MRIs for the next five years as a precaution.

I continue to walk as much as possible and regularly go to physical therapy. I was asked what are they doing for me PT-wise since I can walk? The PT is mainly for my eyes and balance.  I still have double vision, depth perception deficits and vertigo.  My physical therapist is teaching me how to move my eyes from object to object smoothly and to re-learn how to focus my eyes again.  My eyes are a lot like a newborn baby's eyes.  I need to re-learn how to move my eyes where I want them to go and how not to get nausea or loose my balance in the process.  I am making progress and learning tricks to cope with every day living, but the deficits with my eyes are taking a while to improve. My surgeon explained that the eye symptoms are sometimes the last to improve.  We are optimistic that I will have a full recovery, as small progress is being noted week to week.

Each day is a blessing and I am so fortunate to have had my surgery. I can't imagine what my life would have been like without the surgery.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Internet Explorer Browser Troubles

We notice the latest post "Becki's Healing!" is not working on Microsoft Internet Explorer browser. I have tried to edit it multiple times and it still will not display. Please consider using the browsers by Firefox, Google Chrome or Safari for viewing. I am sorry for the inconvenience.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Becki is Healing!

I have been busy healing since my last post.  Or at least that is what my neurologist proclaimed this week, "Good news! You are healing!"

I cannot see the progress daily, but each week I am noticing that I can do a little more.  I am still seeing double with blurriness and have sensitivity to light, but I am starting to wear my sunglasses less indoors each week.  Some have asked, what do your eyes see? Here is an example of what my vision is like:

Another question I'm asked, when will you get your vision restored?  I wish I knew.  Dr. Shihinian told me that everyone heals at a different rate...some in a few weeks and others in a few months. The good news is that I can tell my vision is improving each week.  I remain optimistic that my vision will eventually be restored ... with patience … all in due time.

As I have gotten stronger, my physical therapist has increased the amount of physical therapy I receive.  I receive therapy for my eyes as well as for my balance.  I cannot go upstairs yet without assistance, but hopefully in a week or two that will change.  Our house has two stories and I miss having full access to the house.  I am still walking daily and am starting to cook more.

Recently, I started venturing out into the public. I went to a small quiet church service and had pizza at small intimate pizza parlor with Rod (sunglasses and ear plugs still required).

Each day I count my blessings.  I have no more migraines and I am getting stronger all the time.  Rod continues to be my constant companion and has provided me strength and encouragement throughout my journey.  I owe so much of my  recovery to my wonderful husband.