Saturday, February 9, 2013

Clip Clip Here, Clip Clip There

Week four - I am writing this blog entry, which is my first entry since my surgery. I am using "Dragon Speak", dictation software and "text to speak" feature on the iPad to create this blog entry.

This week's milestones consist of the following three things:

1. My lifting limitation has been increased to 15lbs, so my cat Simon is now in the range (pretty much) to be lifted for hugs.

2. Rod and I have done daily walks of about 3 miles, with a couple of days of about 4 miles that included a hill. (At times I am able to walk without a cane on the smooth straight stretches or when holding Rod's hand for stability. And sometimes I just hold Rod's hand because...)

3. Wednesday I had my first outing (non-medical related) since my surgery. I got my first hair cut in 6 months - clip clip here, clip clip there. I felt like Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz.

I was very excited about getting my hair done by Christina at Lush after so long a wait. Whew, it felt wonderful to have my hair styled and tidied up!

I should explain that I halted all hair appointments back when I first learned I had a brain tumor and might be having surgery. I did so because I thought I would be losing some or all of my hair when I had surgery. I learned only a few weeks before the surgery that only a small credit card size patch near the base of my neck would be shaved and the top of my hair would cover the surgery point of entry. If you saw me you would not be able to tell from my hair that I had brain surgery.

This week was my second PT baseline assessment for vision and balance deficits. The testing aggravated my visual senses, causing me to relapse for a couple of days. This was a reminder that my recovery is not a straight line. It was advised that I should not go out in public for another month due to my difficulty in handling sensory stimuli.

Thank you to all of you for the words of encouragement during my journey.


  1. Your haircut looks great. Glad you got that pampering.

    Did Simon lie on his cat license about his weight? ;)

  2. I'm so happy to see that your recovery is coming along so well! You look great! Thanks for keeping us updated.

  3. You just glow girl! xxoo Clarice

  4. Hi Beckie, Ralph and I are so glad you are doing well. You look stunning with your new hair cut. Keep up the good work and you are in our thoughts and prayers...Nancy

  5. Glad to hear about all this walking you and Rod are doing. It does so much more than just keeping us young. KEEP on WALKING!!!!!
    Bob and Kim

  6. You look beautiful as always, but I have to agree that you are glowing! Love you! Ann

  7. Becky, I had no idea! I am so glad to hear that things are going better. You are in my prayers.
